The project
Our environment
We are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields that affect the life of the biosphere, of human beings and plants. Human beings emit different bioelectromagnetic signals as well. However, recent studies have shown that those emitted by trees have a significant high biological affinity with and a particular resonance effect on each organ of the human body.
Man-plant: the kind of energy that is good for you
Back in time, ancient cultures suggested to hug trees for psychological and physical “recharge”. Today, an innovative technique called “Bioenergetic Landscapes” studies such relation between man and plants and confirms the benefits of this ancient practice. We can therefore accurately evaluate how staying in contact with trees, and the time spent doing that, can energetically support the functioning of our organs and systems. But there's more: if located where certain magnetic conditions are found, trees can spread their positive effects several metres away, thus creating “bioenergetic areas” with biological characteristics that depend on the tree species and different environmental parameters.